- All rights are reserved. No part of this website (including product images) may be used or reproduced without permission from burton + BURTON®.
- If you would like permission to use our product images, please submit the form below no later than 14 days prior to when you need the images.
- Image requests are handled on a case-by-case basis. If permission is given to use our images, we will send them in the desired format you select below.
- Upon receipt of the form below, we will review and respond within 48 hours via email or telephone.
- General questions regarding image requests can be emailed to hmcentyre@burtonandburton.com.
Upon receipt and review of this form, you agree and will adhere to the following requirements listed below regarding the use of product images from burton + BURTON®:
- burton + BURTON® will be acknowledged and given photo credit for all of our product images displayed on your website and/or print media.
- For each burton + BURTON® product image that you utilize, we request that you exclusively purchase your supplies of that product from burton + BURTON®.
- If requested at any time by burton + BURTON®, you will cease usage of any product images, which we have provided you.