

At burton + BURTON®, we take great pride in creating extraordinarily stunning showrooms and in staffing them with employees eager to help you find the perfect products for your customers. burton + BURTON® maintains three permanent showrooms across the country, including one on-site at the corporate headquarters in Bogart, Georgia. The additional locations open during markets include AmericasMart® in Atlanta and Dallas Market CenterSM.

We invite you to visit us at our flagship showroom during regular business hours, Monday–Friday 8:30 AM–5:00 PM. While you are at the headquarters, we also invite you to visit our Closeout Room to take advantage of below-wholesale prices on everyday and seasonal products. Click here for more information regarding the Closeout Room.



Trade Show Dates


If you'd like to request a show appointment or a one-on-one virtual showroom appointment with us please fill out the form below or call 800-241-2094. We will get back to you in a timely manner to confirm your appointment details.

Show Appointment Request Form